Expert Risk Analysis
By working directly with your stakeholders, law enforcement, cybersecurity professionals and industry experts our risk analysis team can determine the likelihood of any particular threat, prioritize action plans, recommend appropriate security measures, implement solutions, and when necessary, conduct penetration testing to ensure resiliency. Data and facts should be your source of truth when implementing or improving new security systems or frameworks, that's why we've made it so easy to get started. Here's how:

Schedule a Strategy Call
Our first job is to gather as much information as possible about your organization's unique challenges and concerns.

Create a plan
After studying the problem, our team of experts will get to work crafting a bespoke strategy that protects all aspects of your business, and enables continued growth.

Let’s execute that plan together
We’ll work directly with you and your stakeholders to implement and manage your new strategy, helping you navigate any pitfalls along the way.
What are you waiting for?
Let's Talk!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Our corporate partners often have lots of questions. We have gathered the most common ones together with responses directly from our team of experts. If you have ever wondered whether your company or organization needs a corporate investigator, this will hopefully help you find the answers you need.
Corporate investigators can uncover facts about any specific problems your company has through interviews, interrogation, and data analysis; identify facts and corroborate complaints within a written report with the facts surrounding the situation, equip you with options to deal with the offending employees, or bad actors and provide guidance on how to improve business operations to avoid recurrence.
Personal problems of employees such as substance abuse or gambling, inner-office relationships, complaints of racism or sexual harassment, intellectual property theft, disruptive divorce proceedings, moonlighting, criminal charges, conflicts of interest, personal use of corporate resources, excessive sick time, workman's comp or fraud are generally the most common issues we see.
Conducting effective witness interviews can be one of the most demanding steps in an internal corporate investigation. At Chesley Brown we rely on the investigative experience of our prosecutors and former federal agents to develop investigative strategies based on the specific facts and circumstances involved in each investigation we handle.
If an internal investigation of the company shows evidence of employee misconduct, generally this means that several actions will be taken immediately. Depending on the specific misconduct in question, this could include any combination of the following:
- Update company policies and procedures
- Taking corrective action internally
- The discipline of the employee (or employees) involved
- Self-disclosing the issue to the appropriate federal authorities.
How a company deals with federal regulators requires a measured, strategic, and forward-thinking approach. If the wrongdoing triggers an obligated self-disclosure, federal authorities are already investigating your company's business or registration practices, or there's a chance that a federal investigation can happen soon, the risk management team of the company will need to make informed decisions and engage an external adviser to chart a course of action that mitigates the risk of civil or criminal penalties or reduces exposure.
Additional Resources:
Risk Takers Podcast Series Episode 1 - Aldrich Ames Spy Case
Risk Takers Podcast Series Episode 1 - Surveillance Detection Routes (SDRs)
Safe Passage / Safe Travel