Asset Search Investigations

Chesley Brown corporate asset searches help businesses reveal the hidden liabilities connected to people or property so you never miss another detail.

Revealing the Truth

What would happen if you found out the company was involved in an environmental lawsuit? Or that there are trademark infringements? Or that an executive is embezzling money? It could have a life-altering impact. At the end of the day your partners, clients, and employees depend on you to make the best decision possible. You need to have all the facts.


A corporate asset search firm like Chesley Brown can help reveal any potential pitfalls and liabilities, saving you from wasting time and money. With over 30 years of experience, our specialized investigators have the expertise to conduct investigations in every facet of the business world regardless of scope and complexity. Whether its employee theft, computer security breach, or a pending lawsuit, we have the experience to help you navigate it.


Chesley Brown is a world-leading corporate investigation firm focused on uncovering information that corporate leaders and their counsel need to know before they enter into business relationships or legal proceedings. With decades of success, our private investigators will work with you and your business partners to identify and navigate risk before it becomes a crisis.


Never get blindsided again.


Asset Search Investigations: What You Need to Know

An asset check can take place in a number of circumstances, ranging from cases that involve spousal support during a divorce settlement to global business disputes. Essentially, asset investigators work as detectives that aim to uncover the financial holdings, business ownership, or personal property of those who would rather keep these assets hidden. It is important to engage an investigator who has experience with your type of case or business. As corporate asset investigators our clients typically include business leaders from both public and private sectors, law firms, law enforcement agencies, and healthcare groups. 


Our investigators will build a complete picture of your case, the existing liabilities, and then work with your stakeholders to chart a clear path forward. We can even provide expert testimony in court, should the need arise.

Expert Risk Analysis

By working directly with your stakeholders, law enforcement, cybersecurity professionals and industry experts our risk analysis team can determine the likelihood of any particular threat, prioritize action plans, recommend appropriate security measures, implement solutions, and when necessary, conduct penetration testing to ensure resiliency. Data and facts should be your source of truth when implementing or improving new security systems or frameworks, that's why we've made it so easy to get started. Here's how:

Regulatory Investigations icon

Schedule a Strategy Call

Our first job is to gather as much information as possible about your organization's unique challenges and concerns.


Create a plan

After studying the problem, our team of experts will get to work crafting a bespoke strategy that protects all aspects of your business, and enables continued growth.


Let’s execute that plan together

We’ll work directly with you and your stakeholders to implement and manage your new strategy, helping you navigate any pitfalls along the way.

What are you waiting for?

Let's Talk!


Once the decision was made to renovate the entire property's electric security system, Chesley Brown began developing specifications and identifying prospective bidders. After this was accomplished, Chesley Brown was with us to manage the bid process, award the bid and oversee the installation of the new system.

General Manager

Office Complex, Georgia

Our unique property required a firm that could customize a security management program that addressed our property's individuality. Chesley Brown was the only firm that had the flexibility and experience to make it happen.

General Manager

Regional Shopping City, Missouri

Why Choose Chesley Brown Asset Searches

Whether bringing a new partner into your existing business, or purchasing property, a comprehensive asset search can reveal liabilities your never expected. Asset search firms may use a variety of tools including public records, private database searches, financial records, crime stats, motor vehicle registrations, known associates, and/or real estate deeds to reveal any hidden assets, liens, hidden bank accounts, and criminal convictions. Armed with all the facts, you and your partners will be able to make better decisions faster. 


Asset searches are also helpful in satisfying due diligence requirements, debt collection, fraud recovery, verifying financial statements and asset recovery. An asset search can include a basic background check, computer forensics, surveillance work, and/or a financial investigation. 


Types of asset searches include: 

  • Corporate holdings
  • Real estate and deeds 
  • Corporate filings 
  • Judgments 
  • Bankruptcies 
  • Court Orders 
  • Federal and state tax liens 
  • Corporate associates 
  • Criminal records

Don't wait for something bad to happen. Get in touch!

Chesley Brown believes security is more than just protection. It is continually maintaining a culture of forward thinking and innovation. It is a philosophy of listening to our clients and providing the best security solutions for their situation. When you have serious questions about your security, call Chesley Brown. Contact us today to discuss how Chesley Brown can help your organization navigate around ever-evolving threat landscape, and mitigate your risk.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Our corporate partners often have lots of questions. We have gathered the most common ones together with responses directly from our team of experts. If you have ever wondered whether your company or organization needs a corporate investigator, this will hopefully help you find the answers you need.

Corporate investigators can uncover facts about any specific problems your company has through interviews, interrogation, and data analysis; identify facts and corroborate complaints within a written report with the facts surrounding the situation, equip you with options to deal with the offending employees, or bad actors and provide guidance on how to improve business operations to avoid recurrence.

Personal problems of employees such as substance abuse or gambling, inner-office relationships, complaints of racism or sexual harassment, intellectual property theft, disruptive divorce proceedings, moonlighting, criminal charges, conflicts of interest, personal use of corporate resources, excessive sick time, workman's comp or fraud are generally the most common issues we see.

Conducting effective witness interviews can be one of the most demanding steps in an internal corporate investigation. At Chesley Brown we rely on the investigative experience of our prosecutors and former federal agents to develop investigative strategies based on the specific facts and circumstances involved in each investigation we handle.

If an internal investigation of the company shows evidence of employee misconduct, generally this means that several actions will be taken immediately. Depending on the specific misconduct in question, this could include any combination of the following:

  • Update company policies and procedures
  • Taking corrective action internally
  • The discipline of the employee (or employees) involved
  • Self-disclosing the issue to the appropriate federal authorities.

How a company deals with federal regulators requires a measured, strategic, and forward-thinking approach. If the wrongdoing triggers an obligated self-disclosure, federal authorities are already investigating your company's business or registration practices, or there's a chance that a federal investigation can happen soon, the risk management team of the company will need to make informed decisions and engage an external adviser to chart a course of action that mitigates the risk of civil or criminal penalties or reduces exposure.

Additional Resources:

Risk Takers Podcast Series Episode 1 - Aldrich Ames Spy Case

Risk Takers Podcast Series Episode 1 - Surveillance Detection Routes (SDRs)

Safe Passage / Safe Travel

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How to Foster a Culture of Risk Awareness and Responsibility
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How Security Can Help Property Managers Combat High Tenant Vacancy Rates
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Dell Spry being promoted to Vice President Emeritus
Dell Spry Promoted to Vice President Emeritus
Dell Spry is an attorney by education a investigator by passion. He has been in law enforcement for over 30 years. In that time he ...
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Why your business may need an asset search
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The First Steps for Conducting Internal Investigations
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Written by: James Hart The names have been changed, but the following story is a compilation of real situations faced by real businesses. Doug Medford ...
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How to Prepare for a Cyberattack
Written by: Dell Spry At Chesley Brown, nothing is more sacrosanct than the safety and security of our clients. It is our intention to keep ...
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The security services industry is one of the fastest growing industries in America today. With so many disruptive technologies, emerging threats, and the growing frequency ...
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preventing economic espionage, trade secret theft and intellectual property theft
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For decades, the US has been a victim of economic espionage — a foe that is now costing American companies billions of dollars in lost ...
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What Achilles can Teach us About Threat Management
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Lessons Businesses Must Learn from the Nashville Bombing
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The Anatomy of a Crisis Management Plan
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risk-takers #9. Joe Sheram – The Turnaround Guru sits down with corporate turnaround expert Joe Sheram to discuss financial risk, corporate theft, the importance of cash, and some of the biggest challenges ...
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Podcast | Risk Takers Series #9. Joe Sheram – The Turnaround Guru
Brent sits down with corporate turnaround expert Joe Sheram to discuss financial risk, corporate theft, the importance of cash, and some of the biggest challenges ...
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Podcast | Risk Takers Series #08. The State of Security – SPECIAL EPISODE
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risk-takers #08. The State of Security – SPECIAL EPISODE has been a year full of change. In this week's special episode Brent sits down with Vice Presidents Bryan Taylor, Josh Noland and Max ...
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Business COntinuity Plan Illustration
What is Business Continuity?
Before completely rewriting your Business Continuity Plan, it helps to understand the fundamentals of business continuity. I put together the following FAQ to give you ...
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Podcast | Risk Takers Series #07 Jack Barsky – Former KGB Spy
As part of our on going conversation around corporate espionage, we decided to sit down with a real KGB spy for some insider knowledge. In ...
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risk-takers #07 Jack Barsky – Former KGB Spy part of our on going conversation around corporate espionage, we decided to sit down with a real KGB spy for some insider knowledge. In ...
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Podcast | Risk Takers Series #06. Human Trafficking with Bazzel Baz
Human trafficking touches nearly every city, county, state and locality in America. Yet law enforcement remains critically under prepared to handle this insidious business. Bazzel ...
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risk-takers #06. Human Trafficking with Bazzel Baz trafficking touches nearly every city, county, state and locality in America. Yet law enforcement remains critically under prepared to handle this insidious business. Bazzel ...
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Podcast | Risk Takers Series #05 Corporate Counterespionage
Its not always the stuff of cold war spy novels but corporate or economic espionage continues to affect businesses all over the world both large ...
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risk-takers #05 Corporate Counterespionage not always the stuff of cold war spy novels but corporate or economic espionage continues to affect businesses all over the world both large ...
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Podcast | Risk Takers Series #04 Brad Orsini – Community-based Security
Visiting our places of worship shouldn't be dangerous. Unfortunately, faith-based organizations are facing the difficult challenge of how to protect their congregations from religion-motivated violence, ...
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risk-takers #04 Brad Orsini – Community-based Security our places of worship shouldn't be dangerous. Unfortunately, faith-based organizations are facing the difficult challenge of how to protect their congregations from religion-motivated violence, ...
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Podcast | Risk Takers Series #3 Surveillance Detection Routes (SDR)
Have you ever had a gut feeling you were being followed? You might not be so crazy after all. It's a frightening thought. You've spent ...
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risk-takers #3 Surveillance Detection Routes (SDR) you ever had a gut feeling you were being followed? You might not be so crazy after all. It's a frightening thought. You've spent ...
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How to Prepare for Economic Risk
Best Strategies for Building Resiliency How to position your business for uncertainty If there is one aspect of business that is certain, it's uncertainty. It ...
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Podcast | Risk Takers Series #2 Terry Fisher — Electronic Countermeasures
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what it is about your business that is truly valuable? When you really think about it, any business ...
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risk-takers #2 Terry Fisher — Electronic Countermeasures you ever stopped to ask yourself what it is about your business that is truly valuable? When you really think about it, any business ...
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The Risk Takers Podcast Series Launches Today!
Chesley Brown Launches the Risk Takers Podcast Series Security Risk Management experts Chesley Brown Companies today announced the launch of "The Risk Takers Podcast Series" ...
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Podcast | Risk Takers Series #1 The Aldrich Ames Espionage Case
Dell Spry, a former FBI investigator and counterespionage expert, sits down to discuss the biggest case of insider theft in U.S. History: The Aldrich Ames ...
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risk-takers #1 The Aldrich Ames Espionage Case Spry, a former FBI investigator and counterespionage expert, sits down to discuss the biggest case of insider theft in U.S. History: The Aldrich Ames ...
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hand stopping dominos from falling, represent a crisis being prevents or stopped
10 Steps for Building a Crisis Management Communication Strategy
Small changes have a big impact. As a public health crisis of worldwide proportions comes into focus, it is imperative for individuals, organizations, and nations ...
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7 Tips the Pros Won’t Tell You About Budgeting For Risk
Every business must create its own process for identifying, testing, and budgeting for risk. We studied the data and talked to several industry-leading CSOs to ...
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Two people riding a moving sidewalk into a bright white void to represent transformation
The Future of Work
The Future of Work: Protecting Trade Secrets Written by: Dell Spry Many businesses, both large and small, are desperately seeking ways to keep their companies ...
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Graphic of two people Looking at charts and graphs representing a risk assessment
Managing Risk During a Pandemic
5 Tips for Conducting Better Risk Assessments for a Pandemic In earlier sections, we discussed the need for a risk-based approach and outlined 6 New ...
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6 new business risks crom Coronavirus
6 New Risks for Businesses post COVID-19
Coronavirus: 6 New Business Risks Your risk management strategy can and should play an important role in managing your business's response to the coronavirus outbreak. ...
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Crisis Management Process Framework diagram
5 Tips for Creating Better Crisis Management Plans
Like a lot of people, you may be wondering what comes next for your business or organization following the Coronavirus outbreak (or any other crisis ...
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FREE DOWNLOAD Securing a New World: Security, COVID-19, and Boots on the Ground
SECURING A NEW WORLD Thank you for your interest In this free report we have outlined the most effective strategies for protecting your home, school, ...
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When it Comes to Corporate Espionage, Harvard’s Dr. Lieber is Just the Tip of the Iceberg
When it Comes to Espionage Harvard's Dr. Lieber is Just the Tip of the Iceberg From Chesley Brown International By Dell Spry Renowned Harvard Professor ...
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Chesley Brown Launches Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking
Chesley Brown Launches New Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking From The Chesley Brown Group Risk Management [dpArticleShare] Chesley Brown, the security management experts, announced today ...
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Spotlight: Bryan Taylor Promoted to Vice President
Chesley Brown Spotlight: Bryan Taylor Promoted to Associate Vice President From Chesley Brown International Employee Spotlight [dpArticleShare] Chesley Brown is excited to introduce our newest ...
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Spotlight: Christian Kalinski Promoted to Senior Director of Security
Chesley Brown Spotlight: Christian Kalinski Promoted to Senior Director of Security From Chesley Brown International Employee Spotlight [dpArticleShare] We’re always looking to spotlight the amazing ...
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An Open Letter on 9/11
An Open Letter on Sep 11th from Managing Director Dell Spry Shared by Chesley Brown International By: Dell Spry [dpArticleShare] They died that day. They ...
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Chesley Brown Announces Counterespionage Unit
Chesley Brown Announces New Special Operations Unit to Combat the Global Rise in Corporate Espionage From Chesley Brown International Risk Management PROTECT YOUR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE ...
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Account Protection with Password Manager
Account Protection with a Password Manager What good is a password if anyone can read it? From Chesley Brown International Risk Management [dpArticleShare] Password managers ...
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Chesley Brown Announces Addition to Senior Team
Dell Spry Joins Chesley Brown Team To support the ongoing growth and demand Chesley Brown is pleased to announce Marvin O. “Dell” Spry has joined ...
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Federal Commission on School Safety Releases Comprehensive Report
  Federal Commission on School Safety Comprehensive Report Released From Chesley Brown International Risk Management [dpArticleShare] President’s Federal Commission on School Safety Releases Comprehensive Report ...
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Fighting Terrorism with Strong Private Sector Relationships
Fighting Terrorism with Strong Private Sector Relationships From Chesley Brown International Risk Management [dpArticleShare] "Threat mitigation is a team effort; it’s this relationship and collaboration ...
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face recognition, automatic face recognition biometric identification; biometric authentication; identity verification
Facial Recognition: the First Catch
Facial Recognition Makes its Grand Entry The new technology, deployed in airports across the country, makes its first catch. From Chesley Brown International Risk Management ...
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hands on a keyboard as if hacking into something
Are Employees an Unintentional Security Risk for Cyber Attacks?
Are Your Employees an Unintentional Security Risk for Cyber Attacks? In these times when malware is prevalent and easily disguised as email attachments or seemingly ...
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DHS and Canada Team up for First Responders
DHS and Canada Team Up to Develop Resources for First Responders From Chesley Brown International Risk Management [dpArticleShare] Artificial Intelligence Meets Boots on the Ground ...
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preventing economic espionage, trade secret theft and intellectual property theft
Supreme Court Decision Regarding the Privacy of Digital Data
Supreme Court Decision Personal Rights and the Expectation of Privacy in the Digital Age From Chesley Brown International Risk Management [dpArticleShare] In Major Privacy Case, ...
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The Evolution of School Security
Special E-Brief June 2018 In the current climate of school shootings, we have anguished over the potentials that may follow the ongoing rise in active ...
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Threats Our Kids Face Online
Protecting Our Children Against Online Threats Teaching our kids to be wary onlineChesley Brown E-Brief May 2018 From Chesley Brown International Risk Management [dpArticleShare] Cyber ...
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risk management
10 Steps for Developing An Emergency Response Plan
The Property Manager's Guide to Risk Management From Chesley Brown International Bomb Threats and Suspicious Packages The recent bombing incidents in and around Austin, Texas ...
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first responder on the scene of a disaster
10 Steps for Developing An Emergency Response Plan
Bomb Threats and Suspicious Packages The recent bombing incidents in and around Austin, Texas serve as an unfortunate reminder that those responsible for all properties ...
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