Security Solutions for Small Businesses: Safeguarding Digital Assets

Small business workers discussing digital security - Small business assets protection

Even if you don’t think your small business has any valuable information, the average cybercriminal will probably disagree. The last few years have shown that cybercrime is a threat for organizations of all sizes, even smaller companies. Their customer lists, their payment and banking information, their patents and designs — they all hold value to…

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Neighborhood Watch Programs: Empowering Residents

Two ladies looking out window discussing how neighborhood watch programs help redisents feel safe.

Written by: James Hart The neighborhood watch, one of the oldest tools for community crime prevention, can still be a useful tactic today for combating crime and nuisance activity at commercial properties, especially when combined with a professional security presence.  These programs encourage the public to be on the lookout for suspicious activity in their…

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Disaster Recovery Strategies: Business Continuity in Crisis

Image of a stressed business owner with her head in her hands to reresent business continuity and crisis management

Written by: James Hart The best advice on disaster recovery and business continuity might actually come from the movies. As Rocky Balboa said: “It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.” And that’s really the point…

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Community Policing Strategies: Building Trust and Safety

A group of people walking outside to represent how Community Policing Strategies can bring communities closer

Written by: James Hart It’s always important to remember: Private security officers aren’t police, and police aren’t security officers. The two roles are both important, but they have fundamental differences. “Security officers can’t be everywhere, and they can’t see everything,” said Max Briggs, vice president of central operations for Chesley Brown International, the security consulting…

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Security Challenges in Shopping Centers — and How to Overcome Them 

Two women browsing at a shopping center: Security Challenges in Shopping Centers

Written by: James Hart  Overcoming the Biggest Security Challenges in Shopping Centers The retail business has never been for the faint of heart. In recent years, however, security problems have made it even more challenging to operate a shopping center.  While individual shoplifters haven’t disappeared, organized rings of retail thieves can now pick store shelves…

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