Dell Spry Promoted to Vice President Emeritus

Dell Spry being promoted to Vice President Emeritus

Dell Spry is an attorney by education a investigator by passion. He has been in law enforcement for over 30 years. In that time he served in the FBI as a Supervisory Special Agent and was lead investigator on some of the most high-profile cases in the country, including the infamous Aldrich AmesCIA Spy case.Through…

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Why your business may need an asset search

Construction worker and business man in suit shake hands after an in-depth asset search

Written By: James Hart Linda Daly didn’t know exactly what was wrong, but something was off about her latest business deal.  A month earlier, Daly – the owner of a midsize retail chain in the upper Midwest — had been excited about investing in an up-and-coming manufacturer that lined up perfectly with her own mission. …

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How to Secure Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets

How to Secure Intellectual Property - featuring a picture of a woman scientist in a lab

Anything that has value is at risk of being stolen, and unfortunately, that includes your company’s ideas and information. After all, intellectual property generates tremendous value in today’s economy. In 2019, American industries that rely on IP generated more than $7.8 trillion in gross domestic product, according to the US Patent and Trademark Office. Those…

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How to Respond to a Whistleblower’s Report

a consultant discusses How to Respond to a Whistleblower’s Report

In theory, it should be a good thing when employees come forward with a whistleblower report.  They’ve spotted a threat to your organization and are giving you the insight you need to address the problem before it becomes even more serious.  Unfortunately, even in the best-case scenario, whistleblower complaints can still be stressful for employees,…

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The First Steps for Conducting Internal Investigations

Human Resources team conducting internal investigations with current employees

Written by: James Hart When the call finally came, Raquel Henderson lunged for the phone on her desk.  Henderson was less than three months into her job as the HR director for a midsize family business in a rural part of the state. The company was the community’s largest employer and a point of pride…

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Theft of Trade Secrets: How to Prevent the Loss of Key Intellectual Property

theft of trade secrets: A business man with his head in his hands dispairingnover the loss of his trade secrets. Theft of trade secrets is big problem for businesses.

Written by: James Hart The names have been changed, but the following story is a compilation of real situations faced by real businesses. Doug Medford had never considered himself paranoid. But there were too many coincidences to merely be coincidental.  Medford, the CEO of a small Midwestern manufacturer, learned that an up-and-coming competitor from China…

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How to Prepare for a Cyberattack

Written by: Dell Spry At Chesley Brown, nothing is more sacrosanct than the safety and security of our clients. It is our intention to keep you educated, updated, and informed as world events continue to unfold and keep you aware of what the potential consequences of those events to your company might be. We are…

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How the Events of September 11th Have Impacted National Security

Picture of the Empire State Building in the foreground on September 11th with the buring World Trade Towers in the background

How Has National Security Evolved Since September 11th, 2001? Written by: Dell Spry As I sit and write this paper, Afghanistan is collapsing.  It is not my intention to point the finger at anyone and make politics a central theme of this paper, but it would be hypocritically pointless to not involve politics in a…

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A Nation Under Attack: The Colonial Pipeline Attack

The Colonial Pipeline Attack revealed how underprepared our nation's critical infrastructure is to outside threats.

Written by: Dell Spry Introduction: Before the Colonial Pipeline Attack In earlier centuries wars were fought between nation states to acquire water and fertile land. Then came the quest for natural resources; gold, silver, oil. These wars were fought utilizing large armies requiring massive supplies to achieve their goal of conquest and colonization and probably,…

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Reasons to Hire an Outside Security Risk Firm

security risk firm at a A office tower

The security services industry is one of the fastest growing industries in America today. With so many disruptive technologies, emerging threats, and the growing frequency of natural disasters, its easy to understand why — It can be exceedingly difficult to keep up with the myriad risks facing your organization. So how do you bring order…

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The Ultimate Guide for Small Businesses to Combat Economic Espionage

preventing economic espionage, trade secret theft and intellectual property theft

For decades, the US has been a victim of economic espionage — a foe that is now costing American companies billions of dollars in lost revenue. From hacking government websites to infiltrating research institutions with spies, competitors and foreign governments are pulling out all the stops to steal trade secrets. This scourge is no longer…

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Preventing Civil Unrest

Protestors storming the captiol in an act of civil unrest, insurection

We’ve all recoiled in disbelief and horror as we watched scenes of violence stream across our TVs. The violent insurrection we saw in the U.S. capitol was unprecedented. That is to say nothing of the  collapse in security measures and barriers that allowed rioters to breach our nation’s capitol. Deservedly so, leaders are alarmed about…

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What Achilles can Teach us About Threat Management

Vulnerability assessments and management in the new risk landscape. Threat assessment

By: Dell Spry There are numerous similar, seemingly inconsequential, soft targets scattered across our country unprotected by a single surveillance camera or even a strand of barbed wire. Is this issue getting the attention it deserves? Just whose responsibility is it to make that determination? Have you included threat planning in your risk management strategy?…

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The SolarWinds Supply Chain Attack: What Businesses Need to Know

The solarwinds supply chain hack represented by 6 locks, one of which is a different color

What is the SolarWinds Supply Chain Attack? SolarWinds, the Austin-based cybersecurity firm, found itself in the middle of a catastrophe due to internal security lapses. The firm recently earned headlines for making it to the list of unsuspecting service providers targeted for its elite supply chain. A week ago, the popular Cybersecurity firm confirmed falling…

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Lessons Businesses Must Learn from the Nashville Bombing

Picture of downtown Nashville Tennessee a dusk. Lessons learned from the nashville bombing

The sound of gunfire punctuated the peaceful hush of Christmas morning. According to one witness, “It sounded like an automatic weapon.” About 10 minutes later she heard a second round of gunfire, then a third. When police arrived at the scene a little after 5:30am they found an RV parked in front of a nondescript…

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3 Simple Practices to Optimize School Safety During Covid-19

Hallway camera in a school providing a safe and secure learning environment, How to optimize school safety for COVID-19

Maximizing safety for students and employees If you’re anything like me, keeping your family safe is your number one priority. During the Covid-19 pandemic, this means minimizing social contact to reduce the chances of infection.  If you are a school administrator, your family extends beyond the bounds of your home. It includes the students, teachers,…

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4 Crucial Things To Know About Business Impact Analysis

a puzzle with a misisng piece revealing a dollar as a symbol of business impact analysis

Risk is not optional. If you own a business, chances are, you will confront risks at some point. What’s more, as your business grows, potential business disruptions will increase in both frequency and harm potential. It’s not possible to foresee every risk. Nonetheless, a business impact analysis can help you plan for and mitigate the…

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2 Painless Ways to Transition Your Retail Business to Touchless Technology

sign cautioning people to remain six feet apart at a shopping mall or retail space for COVID-19 precautions

Why your business should be transitioning to touchless tech right now As a business owner in the retail industry, adjusting to the Covid-19 pandemic is a huge challenge. Nevertheless, you’ve crossed your t’s and dotted your i’s. You’ve worked hard so that customers feel as safe as possible while in your store: You require masks…

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3 Overlooked Tips to Destress During the Holidays

Family and friends enjoying a carefree holiday meal because they know to destress during the holidays

Bring home holiday gifts without the baggage It’s that time of the year. Some would say the most wonderful time. But for others, the lights and tinsel of the holidays evoke strong memories of the ghosts of holidays past.  The holidays offer a chance to reconnect with family and friends, take that much needed R&R,…

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Top 5 Problems Facing the Retail Industry

And the best ways to solve them We’ve all heard the Black Friday stories of fist fights breaking out in aisles of the local big-box retailer. To the average person, such stories are humorous. But to retail business owners, they are a cause for concern. Yet, such glaring examples hardly scratch the surface of the…

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