Podcast | Risk Takers Series #9. Joe Sheram – The Turnaround Guru
Brent sits down with corporate turnaround expert Joe Sheram to discuss financial risk, corporate theft, the importance of cash, and some of the biggest challenges businesses face when navigating a crisis from a financial perspective. Joe has helped countless organizations restructure, and strategize their way through some of the most complex and serious issues a business can face.
Recent Episodes
risk-takers #04 Brad Orsini – Community-based Security
Visiting our places of worship shouldn’t be dangerous. Unfortunately, faith-based organizations are facing the difficult challenge of how to protect their congregations from religion-motivated violence, and still maintain the welcoming, open environment community members expect.
In this week’s episode Brent calls up Bradley Orsini, the Senior National Security Advisor of the Secure Community Network, the official safety and security organization of the Jewish community in North America to discuss these issues, lessons learned from the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue, and the most effective strategies faith-based organizations can use to protect their congregations.
Listen NowPodcast | Risk Takers Series #04 Brad Orsini – Community-based Security
Visiting our places of worship shouldn’t be dangerous. Unfortunately, faith-based organizations are facing the difficult challenge of how to protect their congregations from religion-motivated violence, and still maintain the welcoming, open environment community members expect.…
Listen Nowrisk-takers #3 Surveillance Detection Routes (SDR)
Have you ever had a gut feeling you were being followed? You might not be so crazy after all. It’s a frightening thought. You’ve spent years building your business, but all it takes is one bad day to compromise that dream. In this week’s episode Brent sits down with FBI Special Agent (Ret.) Dell Spry to discuss surveillance detection routes, what they are, and how they can be used as a spy detector device to find out if you are under surveillance.
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