Security Solutions for Small Businesses: Safeguarding Digital Assets

Small business workers discussing digital security - Small business assets protection

Written by: James Hart Even if you don’t think your small business has any valuable information, the average cybercriminal will probably disagree. The last few years have shown that cybercrime is a threat for organizations of all sizes, even smaller companies. Their customer lists, their payment and banking information, their patents and designs — they…

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Disaster Recovery Strategies: Business Continuity in Crisis

Image of a stressed business owner with her head in her hands to reresent business continuity and crisis management

Written by: James Hart The best advice on disaster recovery and business continuity might actually come from the movies. As Rocky Balboa said: “It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.” And that’s really the point…

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